12-14 Apr 2017, Orléans (France)
The 3rd edition of the International Workshop New Worlds of Computation (NWC 2017) will be held in Orléans, France, 12th and 13th April 2017. This edition will be co-located with the Journées du GT Calculabilités du GdR Informatique Mathématique, the French days on computabilities (13th and 14th).
What will the computers be made out of in 2030? in 2050? What would be the main paradigm(s)? Would electronics be replaced by some other medium for common computers? For Clouds? For large computers? For dedicated treatments?
It would be presumptuous to say when and by what, all or parts of our electronic devices would be replaced. Nevertheless, researchers explore many directions: optical, quantum, bio-computing, chemo-computing, DNA and the nano world… Would it be analog or digital?
The workshop aims at gathering people interested and investigating the alternatives, providing fundamental or applied results. The ambition is to allow the presentation of the newest results as well as foster interactions between different perspectives.
The third edition of the workshop will be co-localized with the Journées of the working group in Calculabilités (computabilities) from the GdR Informatique Mathématique of the CNRS. This working group will provide insights on what would be possible or not in future computers. This co-location will permit new encounters and provide cross-fertilization.
The topics involved include natural, unconventional and hyper computations:
- analog computation and computable analysis
- computation on real, rings… (BSS)
- recursion theory
- continuous and hybrid computation
- cellular automata
- collision based computation
- quantum computation
- DNA computation and tile assembly systems
- membrane computing
- signal machines
- computation on infinite structures or in infinite time
- non-Euclidean spaces, non-standard approaches
- spatial, optical, fuzzy,… computation
In order to make a presentation to one or both event, you have to submit a title and an abstract. The refereeing process is not meant to be selective but to check the coherence with the topics. It is open to work in progress or presented elsewhere. Presentation slots will be large enough to present context, results, methodology, proofs, expected progress… PhD student are particularly welcomed.
After the workshop, a special issue of the International Journal on Unconventional Computing will be devoted to extended articles on the results presented at NWC.
Language is English for the workshop and both English and French for the Journées.
The previous editions of the New Worlds of Computation workshop were held in Orléans in
- 2009 : http://www.univ-orleans.fr/lifo/Manifestations/NMC09/
- 2011 : http://www.univ-orleans.fr/lifo/evenements/NWC2011/)
The previous edition of the Journées Calculabilités were held in Nice in 2016.